
Richard Anderson

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ISBN: 9781787821965 (01 Nov 2019)

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ISBN: 9781787821217 (01 Jun 2019)

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ISBN: 9781787821200 (01 Jun 2019)

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Dave Martin is down on his luck: his wife’s left him, his farm is a failure, his house is a mess, he’s withdrawn from his community and friends, and tragedy has stolen his capacity to care. He passes the time drinking too much and buying cheap tools online, treating the delivered parcels as gifts from people who care about him. And then boxes begin to arrive in the mail: boxes that he didn’t order, but ones that everyone around him seems to want desperately. As he investigates, Dave is drawn into a crazy world of red herrings and wrong turns, good guys and bad, false friends and true, violence, lust, fear, revenge, and a lot, lot more. It’s not a world he understands, but is it the only one Dave can live in?

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Author Name
Richard Anderson